Immunsystem stärken für Herbst und Winter | Die Kraft holistischer Therapieformen - EIRAMED

Strengthen your immune system for autumn and winter | The power of holistic forms of therapy

With autumn and winter just around the corner, it is very important that we strengthen our immune system in order to get through the cold season healthy and vital. In addition to proven methods such as a balanced diet and regular exercise, there are also innovative forms of therapy that can help us. In this blog post we would like to introduce you to the EIRAMED crystal mat, which combines various forms of therapy: infrared deep heat, negative ions, Schumann frequency, biophoton therapy and magnetic field therapy. Find out how these therapies can strengthen your immune system and help you get through autumn and winter healthy and vital.

Strengthen the immune system through infrared deep heat:

The infrared deep heat generated by the EIRAMED crystal mat offers a variety of other benefits that can strengthen your immune system. In addition to increasing blood flow and supplying cells with nutrients and oxygen more efficiently, there are other mechanisms that strengthen the immune system.

Firstly, the infrared deep heat promotes detoxification of the body. By dilating blood vessels and improving sweating, toxins and waste are removed from the body more efficiently. Improved detoxification helps reduce the burden on the immune system and helps it carry out its defense functions more effectively. If we want to strengthen the immune system, detoxifying the body proves to be an effective means.

In addition, infrared deep heat can also have anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to damage or infection. However, an excessive or chronic inflammatory response can tax the immune system and affect health. Infrared deep heat can help reduce inflammation in the body and thus restore balance in the immune system.

Furthermore, infrared deep heat is known to reduce stress hormones in the body and promote deep relaxation. Stress can affect the immune system and increase susceptibility to illness. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, infrared deep heat supports the immune system and helps maintain a healthy immune response. Infrared deep heat therapy will strengthen your immune system in many ways.

Strengthen the immune system with negative ions:

Negative ions can strengthen our immune system through a variety of benefits. Using the EIRAMED crystal mat allows you to take advantage of these positive effects.

They can strengthen the immune system by improving oxygen absorption. When we breathe in negative ions, they bind to oxygen molecules and help them be absorbed by the lungs. This increases the oxygen level in the blood, which improves the oxygen supply to cells and organs. Adequate oxygen supply is crucial for optimal immune system function.

In addition, negative ions can have a positive effect on mood and general well-being. They have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and increase energy levels. Low stress levels are important to keep the immune system in a healthy state, as stress can affect the immune system. By reducing stress and promoting a positive mood, negative ions can indirectly strengthen the immune system.

Negative ions also have a purifying effect on the air. They bind to harmful particles such as dust, pollen, mold or bacteria and help remove them from the surrounding air. This leads to an improvement in indoor air quality and reduces the risk of allergens or pathogens that can enter the respiratory tract and put a strain on the immune system. Therapy with negative ions can also strengthen your immune system.

Strengthen the immune system using Schumann frequency:

The Schumann frequency is often referred to as the "Earth frequency" because it is generated by natural electromagnetic fields that arise between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. This frequency, usually around 7.83 hertz, is considered the natural clock for life on Earth. It has a harmonizing effect on the body and can help restore the body's natural electromagnetic balance. If we want to strengthen our immune system, it is important that our body is in natural electromagnetic balance.

Using the Schumann frequency on the EIRAMED crystal mat can lead to a reduction in stress and an improvement in sleep behavior. The stressful modern lifestyle and constant exposure to electronic devices can disrupt the body's natural electromagnetic balance. By embedding the Schumann frequency, the EIRAMED crystal mat can help correct this state of imbalance and reduce stress. This means that the Schumann frequency can not only strengthen the immune system, but also promote general well-being.

In addition, the Schumann frequency has been shown to positively influence immune function. A strengthened immune response is crucial to effectively fight off pathogens and maintain health. By using the Schumann frequency on the EIRAMED crystal mat, we can strengthen our immune system and improve the body's ability to fight disease.

Strengthen the immune system through biophoton therapy:

The biophoton therapy used in the EIRAMED crystal mat has a significant impact on the immune system. Biophotons are light particles that are emitted and received by our cells. They play an important role in communication and regulation in the body. By using biophoton therapy, the body's production and transmission of biophotons is enhanced and harmonized, which can strengthen our immune system and lead to an improved immune response.

Strengthened immune function is crucial to warding off infections and illnesses. Biophoton therapy can support the immune system on several levels. On the one hand, it contributes to the activation and stimulation of immune cells, and biophoton therapy has also been shown to stimulate cell metabolism. Efficient cell metabolism is essential for optimal immune function. By improving metabolism, cells can absorb nutrients and eliminate waste more effectively. This supports the health of immune cells and their ability to recognize and fight pathogens.

Biophoton therapy can strengthen the immune system in many ways. Above all, it can promote cell regeneration and repair. This is particularly important for the immune system, as immune cells need to be constantly renewed to maintain their function. Improved cell regeneration supports the formation of new and healthy immune cells, strengthening the immune system and increasing resistance to disease.

Another aspect of biophoton therapy is its ability to promote balance in the immune system. A balanced immune system is crucial to avoid an overreaction of the immune system, which can lead to autoimmune diseases or allergic reactions. By harmonizing biophoton signals, the therapy can help bring the immune system into a balanced state and support a healthy immune response.

Strengthen the immune system with magnetic field therapy:

Magnetic fields have the ability to improve blood circulation, resulting in more nutrients and oxygen being transported to cells. This increased blood flow supports immune function and strengthens the body's defense system against disease. Additionally, magnetic fields have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is often a sign of a weakened immune response. By reducing inflammation, magnetic field therapy can sustainably strengthen the immune system.

Another positive effect of magnetic field therapy is the stimulation of cell metabolism. This stimulation encourages the cells to accelerate their natural regeneration and repair processes. This is particularly important for the immune system as new immune cells must be constantly produced to maintain an optimal immune response. The magnetic field therapy on the EIRAMED crystal mat supports cell regeneration and helps strengthen the immune system.

Strengthening the immune system for autumn and winter is of great importance in order to stay healthy and vital. If we want to strengthen the immune system, the EIRAMED crystal mat offers an innovative solution by combining the advantages of different forms of therapy. By using infrared deep heat, negative ions, Schumann frequency, biophoton therapy and magnetic field therapy, you can strengthen your immune system and prepare for the cold seasons. Regular use of the EIRAMED crystal mat can strengthen your immune system and enable you to benefit from the diverse health benefits of these forms of therapy and improve your resistance to disease.

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