Die unsichtbare Kraft des Universums - Eine Reise durch die Welt der Schwingungen - EIRAMED

The invisible power of the universe - A journey through the world of vibrations

Frequency is a fundamental concept in physics that refers to the number of oscillations, or cycles, per second. They are measured in Hertz (Hz) and play an important role in many areas of science, technology and everyday life.

The History of Frequencies is closely related to the history of electromagnetic radiation. The German physicist Heinrich Hertz was one of the first scientists to systematically investigate how electromagnetic waves can be generated and measured. In 1887 he was the first to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves, which had previously been theoretically predicted by James Clerk Maxwell.

Hertz conducted his experiments with electrical oscillating circuits, which he made to oscillate with spark discharges. He found that these vibrations created electromagnetic waves that propagated through space and could be picked up by a receiver. Hertz also realized that these electromagnetic waves had specific properties that depended on their frequency.

However, the concept of frequency was not widely known at the time. Hertz defined frequency as the number of oscillations per second and measured it in Hertz (Hz), a system of units named in his honor. Hertz continued experimenting and discovered that electromagnetic waves could be reflected, refracted, and polarized.

Hertz's work laid the foundation for further discoveries in the field of electromagnetic radiation and led to the development of radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.

In the years that followed, numerous applications for electromagnetic radiation were developed, from wireless communication to medicine. The findings of Hertz and other scientists have revolutionized our understanding of frequencies and their importance in physics and technology.

There are different types of frequencies that occur in our daily life. Some frequencies are beneficial to our health while others can be harmful. Here are some examples:


Healthy frequencies:

- Schumann Resonance Frequencies: These frequencies, which range between 7.8 and 30 Hz, are natural electromagnetic signals generated by the earth and play an important role in the regulation of our central nervous system. We will go into this frequency in more detail in the next section.

- Theta and Alpha Waves: These brainwave frequencies (between 4 and 13 Hz) occur when we are in a relaxed, meditative or creative state.

- Music Frequencies: Some music frequencies can have a calming effect on our body and mind, such as the 528 Hz frequency known as the "love frequency".

What are potentially harmful frequencies and what effects can they have on our health?

- Ionizing Radiation: These are frequencies that have enough energy to ionize atoms, such as X-rays and gamma rays. They can damage cells and DNA and increase the risk of cancer.

- Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): These frequencies, emitted by electronic devices such as cell phones, WiFi routers, and microwave ovens, can cause overheating, headaches, trouble sleeping, and possibly even increase the risk of cancer.

- Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): These frequencies, emitted by electrical wires and devices such as household appliances, can cause sleep disturbances, headaches and other health problems.

As promised, here is a small digression on the Schumann frequency:

The Schumann Frequency , also known as the "Earth Frequency", refers to the natural electromagnetic rhythm that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere and is produced by lightning discharges in the atmosphere, which emit an electromagnetic wave. The Schumann frequency was first discovered in the 1950s by German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann and named after him. It is about 7.83 Hz and has a characteristic waveform called the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann frequency has an important role in the atmosphere and in the biosphere of the earth. Some researchers believe it is important to the well-being of humans and other living things on Earth. It is believed that the earth's natural electromagnetic rhythm can help bring the human body into a harmonious state that reduces stress and boosts the immune system. There are also theories that changes in the Schumann Frequency could be influenced by human activities such as electrification and the use of artificial radio sources. Although there is still much to be explored, the Schumann Frequency and its importance is a fascinating example of the role of frequencies in nature and in our daily lives.

Overall, the Schumann Frequency illustrates how frequencies play an important role in our lives and how our understanding of them continues to grow. Researching their effects on our bodies and minds and the importance of natural frequencies in our environment could help us improve our well-being and health.

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